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Akysanna da Veiga foi coroada a Miss Cabo Verde Internacional 2024
Akysanna da Veiga, é a nova Miss Cabo Verde Internacional, a coroação aconteceu na noite de ontem. A jovem que representa Santa Catarina de Santiago, sucede Stephany Amado e vai representar Cabo Verde no próximo Miss International que acontece em Japão e leva para a casa o prémio de mil contos.
Numa noite em que a beleza cabo-verdiana esteve bem representada por mais de duas dezenas de candidatas, de glamour e emoção, Akysanna da Veiga foi coroada a Miss Cabo Verde Internacional 2024. A jovem, natural de Assomada, sucede Stephany Amado e agora terá a honra de representar Cabo Verde no próximo Miss Internacional, que acontecerá no Japão. Além do título, Akysana levou para casa o prêmio de mil contos.
Numa noite em que a beleza cabo-verdiana esteve bem representada por mais de duas dezenas de candidatas, de glamour e emoção, Akysanna da Veiga foi coroada a Miss Cabo Verde Internacional 2024. A jovem, natural de Assomada, sucede Stephany Amado e agora terá a honra de representar Cabo Verde no próximo Miss Internacional, que acontecerá no Japão. Além do título, Akysana levou para casa o prêmio de mil contos.

Meeting with the Minister of Culture and Creative Industries Abraão Vicente
Minister of Culture and Creative Industries, Abraão Vicente, to present his Miss Cape Verde International project. A project that was designed to not only promote beauty, but also engage and empower women. For Nereida Lobo, being a miss is not just about representing beauty, but being open to the world in order to carry out work that can transform people. Therefore, in this audience, he presented the Miss Cape Verde International project to the MCIC, which aims to conquer national pride, attract the attention of the world, but also catapult top candidates to the world stage. In addition to these goals, the organization of this project, which is mentored by Miss Africa USA 2016, wants to find promising young people who defend social causes, advise them and, at the same time, teach them how to use parade platforms as a powerful instrument. to make positive change in Cape Verde and in the world.

MCIC receives organization of the 1st edition of Miss Cabo Verde International, Miss Cabo Verde International, Miss Culture Ambassador and Miss Tourism
The Minister of Culture and Creative Industries, Abraão Vicente, received at the end of Tuesday morning, the mentor of Miss Cabo Verde International, Nereida Lobo, her partners, part of the team that worked for the event and the first three classified first edition of Miss CVI, among them the winner of the contest, Stephany Amado.
The organization was grateful for the support of the Government and the Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries in the realization of this event that wants to work on the empowerment of women, while taking Cape Verde to the world's stages.
The first three placed in Miss Cape Verde International showed total availability to work with the ministry for the elevation of Cape Verde's culture.
As representatives of Cape Verde in international events to which they will have access from next month, Stephany Amado, Tayrine Veiga and Jassica Centeio, want to deepen, even more, their knowledge about the culture of Cape Verde in order to transmit them abroad best possible way.
The official thanked the visit, encouraging the organization to continue with a project that has great ambitions for Cape Verde, of which the holding of a Miss contest is only a part, recognizing the merit and the way in which it was carried out.
In the end, the holder of the culture and creative industries portfolio signed a certificate that recognizes all the work of the Miss CVI team, as well as the courageous participation of the candidates.
The organization was grateful for the support of the Government and the Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries in the realization of this event that wants to work on the empowerment of women, while taking Cape Verde to the world's stages.
The first three placed in Miss Cape Verde International showed total availability to work with the ministry for the elevation of Cape Verde's culture.
As representatives of Cape Verde in international events to which they will have access from next month, Stephany Amado, Tayrine Veiga and Jassica Centeio, want to deepen, even more, their knowledge about the culture of Cape Verde in order to transmit them abroad best possible way.
The official thanked the visit, encouraging the organization to continue with a project that has great ambitions for Cape Verde, of which the holding of a Miss contest is only a part, recognizing the merit and the way in which it was carried out.
In the end, the holder of the culture and creative industries portfolio signed a certificate that recognizes all the work of the Miss CVI team, as well as the courageous participation of the candidates.

First Miss CV International wants to contribute to the country's socio-economic development
Stephany Amado is focused on the social cause she chose to support and has used her voice to make Cape Verdeans aware of the importance of preserving the marine ecosystem.
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