Miss Cape Verde International 2022
Meet our top 40

Akysanna Da Veiga
Age: 22
Residence: Santiago
My name is Akysanna Vany Vaz da Veiga, I'm from Santiago island, I'm 22 years old, and I currently live in Praia, in Várzea. I am in the 3rd year of my degree in Communication Sciences, in the field of journalism, at Jean Piaget University, where I am also part of the Student Association. I'm a music lover, no matter what genre, I'm always humming in different situations because music calms me down.
5 facts about me
• I love to read and I'm always
open to new experiences;
• I love the sea;
• I adapt easily, I am a very outgoing
and friendly person;
• Nobody ever says my name correctly;
• I'm very helpful.

Anicia Almeida
Age: 26
Residence: Santiago
Graduated in Informatics and Computer Engineering from the University of Cape Verde (UNICV), professor of Informatics and Robotics at the Centro Educativo Miraflores School. A very nice, humble and super creative girl. The computer is my big "partner". In addition to being my work tool, it's where I get inspired and reinvent myself. In my free time, music is my companion. I love to sing and practice foreign languages, especially English, which is one of my favorites. I am also a photography lover.
5 facts about me
• Persistent;
• Creative;
• Curious;
• Diplomat;
• Communicator.

Anilda Monteiro
Age: 21
Residence: São Vicente
Hello, my name is Anilda Monteiro, better known as Anny, I am 21 years old and I am from the island of São Vicente, city of Mindelo. I have studied psychology in the United States for 2 years and I am a photo model.
5 facts about me
• I'm very persistent;
• I like challenges;
• I'm nice;
• I'm confident;
•I like to take care of myself
and the people I love.

Ania Dos Reis
Age: 24
Residence: EUA
I was born in Cape Verde, Santiago Island, but grew up in the USA. I graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in Communication with a specialty in Production. I currently work as a Teaching Assistant and Tutor Counselor alongside my role as Social Media Manager for the KRIOLA Professional Association. I took part in a lot of community service and engagements growing up, which was one of the many reasons I chose to run for Miss CVi. Outside of my professional life I am an advocate for mental health, especially in the Cape Verdean community, and I hope to one day work for the United Nations.
5 facts about me
• I love playing football;
• I love to travel and have been
to more than 10 countries;
• I studied in Spain and South Africa
during my college days.
• I am the older sister of 5 others;
• I love filming and editing.

Anaira da Cruz
Age: 21
Residence: São Vicente
I am a 3rd year student of Architecture at the Jean Piaget University of Polo Mindelo, Vice-President of the University's Association. I have done some work as a model. A dream I've had since I was a little girl, I've tried to participate in courses in which I haven't had much success. I've already taken a few "no's", but that doesn't demotivate me or make me give up on my dream since I was a little girl. I really enjoy taking photographs, creating new things, writing, helping people and I also love spending time alone.
5 facts about me
• I am less talkative but I act;
• Lover of designers;
• Nobody ever gets my name right;
• I am shy and observant;
• I love to help.

Claudia Souto
Age: 22
Residence: Santiago
Hi, I'm Cláudia Souto, I'm 22 years old, I live in Palmarejo and I'm a student. In my spare time I like to watch movies, read and study.
5 facts about me
• I really like fashion and taking care of my beauty;
• I love children's world;
• I like to go to the beach to relax
and organize my ideas;
• I really like to parade;
• I’m an animal lover.

Cláudia Teotonio
Age: 26
Residence: São Vicente
Hi! My name is Cláudia Soraia Ramos Fortes Teotónio, I am 26 years old. I'm from São Vicente, Mindelo. I'm single, I don't have children. And I am very grateful to be part of the top 40 of Miss Cabo Verde International.
5 facts about me
• I'm very simple;
• I’m very honest;
• I’m funny;
• I’m kind;
• I’m humble;

Catheleen Veiga
Age: 22
Residence: EUA
My name is Catheleen Morais Veiga, I'm 22 years old, born in Praia, Santiago. At the age of 15 I moved to the United States of America where I live in Boston, Ma. During the last 7 years I dedicated myself to my education and graduated in Fashion Design and Production. And in May of this year, as the final phase of my degree, I launched my first collection called “Badjuda” where I pay tribute to the strength, dedication and resilience of our Cape Verdean women.
5 facts about me
• I love watching the sunrise and sunset,
it's a way to recharge my energies;
• I've been sewing for 7 years;
• I have a passion for all kinds of art;
• I am a very perfectionist person;
• I value a good vibe with friends and family.

Denise Mendes
Age: 19
Residence: Fogo
My name is Denise, I'm 19 years old, I've lived in Santa Filomena since I was a child. I finished the 9th year of schooling, and for personal reasons I had to drop out of school, but I intend to go back to my studies. I participated in Miss contests since I was 16 years old, and I always received some banners like Miss/First Lady, Miss Congeniality and Miss Photogenic. My biggest achievement was in Miss Fogo 2022, in which I was First Lady and Miss Congeniality.
5 facts about me
• I am a nice and simple person;
• I love making new friends;
• I'm humble;
• I love to parade;
• I'm very playful.

Edna Spinola
Age: 18
Residence: Brava
I'm Edna Melanie Silva Spinola. I'm 18 years old. I'm from Brava Island. I am a student of the Criminology and Public Security course. I was the winner of Miss Santo António 2018, 2nd lady Miss São João 2019, Miss Facebook and finally 2nd lady Miss Cabo Verde 2022.
5 facts about me
• I'm nice and humble;
• I really like to learn new things;
• I love listening to music;
• My biggest motivation is my family;
• I believe in God because he is the one
who gives me strength.

Edmilza Silva
Age: 19
Residence: Santiago
I'm Edmilza Silva, I'm 19 years old. I'm a runway model. My first experience on the catwalks was recently, in 2021, where I participated in Miss/Mister Teen and left as 2nd Lady, then I had the opportunity to participate in a great event (Miss Praia 2022) where I also left with the 2nd tier Dama, and in my last show, which took place this week, I went out with a Miss. I hope to go further and represent my flag in the best possible way.
5 facts about me
• I love to do new things and try
a little bit of everything;
• I'm an athlete;
• I love dancing;
• I'm a runway model;
• I’m funny and charismatic.

Ednilsia dos Reis
Age: 18
Residence: Santiago
My name is Ednilsia Duarte Balla, I'm 18 years old. I am from the island of Santiago, city of Tarrafal. I practice martial art (judo), I am a student and I am part of the environmental heroes association. I'm a model and I work with marketing and advertising.
5 facts about me
• I love to sing and dance;
• I like to be in contact with nature;
• I like to cook;
• I'm very perfectionist;
• They admire me when they see me
practicing agriculture.

Estela of the Kings
Age: 20
Residence: Santiago
I'm Stela Sousa, I'm 20 years old, I live in Bela Vista and I was born on the island of Sal. At the moment I live on the island of Santiago, Praia. I love to dance, walk, listen to music, parade, eat, read and finally watch movies and series. I believe in myself and where I want to go.
5 facts about me
• I love horror and romance TV Shows;
• I'm very distracted;
• I'm known as the smile girl;
• I am very sensitive and anxious;
• I'm a strong person.

Eliane Aniceto
Age: 20
Residence: São Vicente
Hi, my name is Eliane do Rosário Almeida Aniceto, I'm 20 years old. I was born on the island of Sal, but at the moment I am in São Vicente. I attend the 1st year of the Communication Sciences course.
5 facts about me
• I’m extroverted;
• I’m curious;
• I’m sincere to the point of losing friendships;
• I’m determined;
• I’m very patient.

Eveline Cardoso
Age: 18
Residence: Santiago
Hello, I'm Eveline Rosete Moreira Cardoso. I like to take care of animals, I like to take care of my environment, I really like dancing and being with fun people.
5 facts about me
• I'm smart;
• I’m charismatic;
• I have got a leader spirit;
• I adapt easily;
• I deal well with people.

Indira Mendes
Age: 21
Residence: Santiago
I’m a 1st year student of the Communication Sciences - Journalism course. My first experience on the catwalks was in 2018 when I participated in the Miss & Mister Safende contest, where I won the Miss Safende 2018 belt. I participated in several other contests where I received the Miss Ponta d'água 2019 belt, 1st Lady Miss Kriola CV in Calheta, Miss Jean Piaget University 2022, Miss Photogenic and Popular. I participated in fashion shows. My desire is to step on all the catwalks in the world.
5 facts about me
• I'm super nice;
• I really like helping others;
• I really like children;
• I really like nature;
• I prefer to stay at home, watch TV Shows,
listen to music and parade.

Yara Ramos
Age: 22
Residence: São Vicente
My name is Yara Gissel Soares Ramos, I'm 22 years old, born in the island of São Nicolau. I was born on April 21, 2000. I am currently in the 3rd year of the Accounting course at the University of ISCEE (Instituto Superior de Ciências Econômicas e Empresas). I live in São Vicente.
5 facts about me
• I’m a fashion lover, shows as well as photos;
• I’m very anxious;
• I am very dedicated and applied;
• I’m organized, I like everything in its place,
a bit of a “perfectionist”;
• I’m an extrovert.

jassica rye
Age: 27
Residence: Portugal
My name is Jassica Centeio, I was born in Campanas de Baixo, on the island of Fogo, Cape Verde, and I am the fourth of 5 sisters. In 2014 I got a scholarship that allowed me to move to Portugal to continue my studies. Regarding my career, in 2020 I completed the Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences at FFUP and worked for two years in a community pharmacy. I can say that it was a unique experience, where I met many of the closest friends I have today. At the moment, I live two lives: I try to reconcile the life of a pharmacist, with the creation of content and work that I develop for a Portuguese clothing brand, which is very dear to me.
5 facts about me
• I love poetry, I'm romantic;
• I meditate and I’m grateful for the life I have;
• I love watching movies and series, unless they’re horror;
• Nobody gets my name right, some days
I'm ''Jessica'', others ''Jássica'' and others ''Jacinta'';
• I’m a plant lover.

Janete Oliveira
Age: 20
Residence: São Vicente
I'm Janete Oliveira, I'm 20 years old, from the beautiful island of the mountains, Santo Antão. Course the 3rd Year of Architecture in Mindelo. Owner of a “Good Vibe”, I love feeling good about myself. I really believe in changing people and the world. I'm the type of person who wants to make a difference in this world. I want to be able to help in any way, as long as I help to improve something.
5 facts about me
• I am a very fun, cheerful and friendly person;
• I am a person of great faith;
• I really like to dance;
• I like to be among those I love and
the ones who love me as well;
• I’m an adventurer.

Tânia Clemente
Age: 20
Residence: São Vicente
Hi, I'm Tânia Clemente, I'm 20 years old. I live in Sao Vicente. I am a very persistent competitive and strong woman. I like to make delicious food. I participate in social campaigns to help as many people as I can.
5 facts about me
• I'm persistent and nice;
• I am faithful to my principles;
• I like to cook;
• I like to help people;
• I'm very competitive.

Kelly Brito
Age: 19
Residence: Santiago
My name is Kelly Danila Lima Brito, I'm 19 years old, I'm from São Nicolau, I'm a first-year law student. I am the daughter of Emanuel Gomes Brito and Idalecia Gomes Lima.
5 facts about me
• I love doing makeup;
• Adoro dançar;
• I love kids;
• In my free time I like to cook
different types of dishes;
• I like to live with my family.

Kativania Ramos
Age: 23
Residence: São Nicolau
My name is Kativânia Oliveira Ramos, I was born on the island of São Nicolau. At the age of 18, I had to emigrate to Portugal, where I pursued my Academic Training, which I completed this year, 2022, at the renowned Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, located in the north of Portugal, in the city of Bragança. At 23 years old, I still have a lot to learn and I can say that I'm ready for new changes and achievements in my life. One of them being to represent Cape Verde internationally.
5 facts about me
• I'm a nature lover;
• I’m a good cook and I like to
please my loved ones;
• I'm a fan of anime and Japanese culture;
• I love to go shopping;
• I consider myself an empathetic person.

Liliane da Veiga
Age: 26
Residence: Santiago
Hi, my name is Liliane Patricia Mendes Da Veiga, I live in Achada Mato. I am 26 years old and I am a student of the Criminology course. I work as a boutique assistant, hairdresser, and nail designer.
5 facts about me
• I love to dance, do physical exercises;
• I like to be in contact with nature;
• I love watching soap operas,movies and TV Shows;
• I really like reading books;
• I’m an empowered woman.

Leonela de Oliveira
Age: 18
Residence: Santiago
I grew up with my mother, my aunts and grandmothers, surrounded by women, each with their own particularities but all strong and admirable. Since I was little I liked to parade, take pictures and dance. My childhood passions were medicine and fashion shows. I participated in advertising campaigns, I was a “mascot” in the Miss they held in the neighborhood where I live and in the high school where I studied. I currently live on the island of Santiago, where I started studying Biological Sciences but had to stop at the end of the first semester because I didn't adapt to the course. The opportunity arose to work at the CVBRANDS store, which is where I work now and has brought me and has brought me only good things.
5 facts about me
• I am a calm and determined person;
• I do yoga, meditate and work out;
• I like to read, write, listen to music and watch TV Shows;
• I donate clothing and food whenever I can.
• I love dogs;

Ludmila Monteiro
Age: 25
Residence: Santiago
Hello! I'm Ludmila Marlucy Veiga Monteiro, I'm 25 years old. I'm from the island of Santiago. I live in the city of Praia, in Palmarejo.
5 facts about me
• I don't give up easily on what I want;
• I love being around the people I love;
• I'm fun and determined;
• I love learning new things;
• My hobbies are makeup and being at
home watching a movie/series.

Ludmila Varela
Age: 27
Residence: Santiago
Hi! I'm Ludmila Sofia Oliveira Varela, I'm 27 years old. I live on the island of Santiago, Santa Catarina, Assomada. I am an athlete and I studied Biological Sciences in Cape Verde.
5 facts about me
• I like to read;
• I like to run and feel the wind and
nature, it’s my meditation;
• I like listening to music and being with my family;
• I am persistent and defiant;
• I identify myself and I think it's
cute when they call me “Luh”.

Leandra Andrade
Age: 18
Residence: Sal
I'm Leandra Florentina Dos Santos Andrade, born on October 21, 2003, I studied at the secondary school Olavo Moniz. I have always enjoyed studying, acquiring new experiences and knowledge. Since I was very young, I have always enjoyed being on the catwalks, I grew up in an environment that brought me a passion for fashion and aesthetics. At the age of 11 I had my first contact with the catwalks, and at the age of 14 I had the opportunity to be a model, having been part of the KedadusMgmnt model agency. I participated in several fashion shows, presenting pieces by national designers, evolving and acquiring experiences.
5 facts about me
• When I get nervous, I cry;
• I'm afraid of the dark, I often
sleep with the lights on;
• I like to help people and feel useful;
• I like to talk about interesting things;
• I love to read and write.

Lidiane Monteiro
Age: 19
Residence: Fogo
I am from Fogo Island, São Filipe, Fonte Aleixo, ''Culumbia''. Like many, since childhood I began to increase my taste for posing in photographs and on the runway. In 2019, I did my first photo shoot. This year I participated in Miss Fogo 2022, where I finished two tracks, Miss Social Media and the 2nd Lady, and in the same month, I was awarded Miss Cabo Verde as the 1st Lady. I'm simple, friendly and affable and very outgoing. I love going to the beach, I like reading books and watching romantic movies, and I also love making TikTok videos.
5 facts about me
• I am very competitive;
• I use my failures as tools for my success;
• I'm a simple person;
• Fight for gender equality and feminism;
• I’m true to my principles.

Milena Miranda
Age: 18
Residence: São Vicente
Born and raised in Santo Antão, Paul. I lived there until I was 17 years old. I attended the 12th grade at Januário Leite Secondary School. Now at 18 years old, I am taking the Business and Organizational Sciences course at the University of Cape Verde in São Vicente. I'm currently looking for new experiences and opportunities, and to succeed is one of my goals. I am a humble, charismatic and creative young woman. Cape Verdean women are distinguished by their determination and their culture.
5 facts about me
• I like to be challenged;
• I'm very determined;
• I am transparent and humble;
• I’m a very emotional person;
• I am very vain, I like to be presentable
and to feel beautiful.

Nickita Bulú
Age: 19
Residence: Santiago
I took rhythmic gymnastics classes between the ages of 9 and 10 with teacher Silvéria Nédio (better known as Nita) and teacher Helena Atmacheva. My first contact with Dance happened when I was very young, in the company Raiz di Polon. I studied at Dança & Arte school in Praia and participated in several dance workshops. In 2019 I participated in the Norte Dança Festival, in Porto. In the area of ​​music and audiovisual, I participated in 2019, in the music video clip for the song "Amor Eterno", by singer-songwriter Manu Reis and in 2021 in the music video for the song "Es ca ta reia", by singer Mário Marta.
5 facts about me
• I’m a persistent and strong person;
• I'm very attached to my family;
• I’m dedicated and independent;
• Since I was very little I love to dance;
• I’m very connected to art and to
Cape Verdean culture.

Paula Mendes
Age: 18
Residence: Santiago
I'm Paula Katiliana Cardoso Mendes, I was born on the island of Santiago and I'm 18 years old. I live in the city of Praia in Alto da Glória. I have completed the 12th grade of schooling. In 2018, when social media viralized my photos, I had the chance to be recognized by several people and agencies both nationally and internationally. I joined the MFashion fashion agency in 2019. I have participated in various events, advertising campaigns and some other projects.
5 facts about me
• I love chill out and warm music, I'm romantic;
• I practice gymnastics and do a lot of reading;
• I love watching movies and following
the news on social media;
• I’m known as Black Barbie, but
Katizinha is my favorite nickname;
• I’m a full moon lover.

Stefany Santos
Age: 21
Residence: Santiago
Hello, I'm Stefany Patricia Silva Santos, I'm 21 years old and I'm from São Nicolau. I have a degree in Forensic Sexology, I am currently the second member of the supervisory board of the Cape Verdean Association of Criminology and I am licensing Criminology and Public Security. I am passionate about dance and books. I really want to be able to create an NGO in the future to help children who are victims of violence and sexual exploitation.
5 facts about me
• I have thalassophobia;
• I have difficulty showing affection;
• Im extremely determined;
• I'm very homely;
• I value loyalty above all.

Stephany Amado
Age: 23
Residence: EUA
Hello, my name is Stephany Amado. I'm a 23 year old full-time model, born and raised in Cape Verde. I am passionate about being a positive influence to young African women, serving as a source of representation that was lacking from a very young age. I enjoy cooking, traveling, hiking, as well as reading and writing poetry. As my modeling career grows, I intend to use my platform and voice to be a beacon of hope for all young Cape Verdeans.
5 facts about me
• I'm multilingual;
• I am an advocate of holistic medicine;
• I am actively involved in issue-related
social activism in Cape Verde;
• I like to write poetry and sing;
• I got my first job at 17.

Tatiana Almeida
Age: 25
Residence: São Vicente
Hi! I'm Tatiana Duarte Ferro Almeida, I'm 25 years old and I currently live on the island of São Vicente.
5 facts about me
• I really like to sing;
• I like to draw and I have a knack for the arts;
• I’m an advocate for the sustainable
environment and animals;
• I love the sea, music and dance;
• I like to read and learn about spirituality.

Tayrine da Veiga
Age: 24
Residence: Portugal
I'm Tayrine da Veiga, I'm 24 years old, born on the island of Santiago (São Domingos), I'm a student of the “Solicitadoria” course.
5 facts about me
• I am stubborn;
• I'm super communicative;
• I'm friendly and outgoing;
• My favorite dish is "congo beans;
• My Favorite Social Media is Instagram

Tatiele Garcia
Age: 23
Residence: Santiago
My name is Tatiele, I live in Achadinha, I'm 23 years old, I graduated in the area of ​​esthetics and I'm very passionate about what I do. I am also an animal lover and I like to travel. Regarding the parades, I won Miss, 1st Lady, Miss Congeniality banners. I love doing all this so much, because it makes me feel so beautiful, free and glowing. My dream is to win Miss Universe and raise our flag as high as I can.
5 facts about me
• I'm a young woman;
• My focus today is Miss Cape Verde International;
• I'm a strong person;
• I get inspired by the influencers Dandira and Kathy;;
• I'm a beautician.

Telma Fortes
Age: 19
Residence: Santo Antão
I'm Telma Sofia Fortes da Luz. I was born in the Ra dos Bodes area, in Porto Novo - Santo Antão island in Cape Verde, where I currently live. Despite liking fashion and being photographed, I had never participated in beauty contests. After completing the 12th year of schooling, I intend to start training in French language studies. Encouraged by a friend, I decided to enter the world of beauty pageants. I enrolled in the Miss Santo Antão contest where I was crowned Miss Santo Antão and Miss Fotogenia.
5 facts about me
• I really like to go to the beach;
• I practice physical exercises
to maintain a healthy life;
• I love cats and dogs;
• I love to read books and watch romance TV Shows;
• I like to do research about fashion.

Vera dos Reis
Age: 24
Residence: Brasil
My name is Vera dos Reis, I'm 24 years old and I'm a mechanical engineering student in Belém do Pará, Brazil, where I've lived for 5 years. I'm in the last moments of my graduation course, which allows me to be 100% available to be Miss Cabo Verde International. There are many reasons that make me run for this title and one of the ones that draws my attention the most is to be able to represent my country with all its culture and also its challenges. I am Miss Black Beauty 2021/2022 from the city of Marituba, in the state of Pará – Brazil. I recently participated in the Miss Black Beauty of Pará contest and was awarded as my first.
5 facts about me
• An intelligent and empowered woman;
• Person of principles, responsible and proactive;
• Dedicated to social, racial,
gender and environmental;
• Humble and ambitious;
• Very charismatic.

Yasmine Fortes
Age: 25
Residence: Fogo
Hi! I'm Yasmine Amarilis Fortes Semedo, I'm 25 years old and I was born on the island of Santiago, Tarrafal. I am 1.69 m tall. I am a teacher and I am currently on the island of Fogo.
5 facts about me
• A humble person;
• I like to learn;
• Very creative;
• I’m playful;
• I’m observant.

Zelinda Rodrigues
Age: 23
Residence: São Vicente
I'm Zelinda Ailene Andrade Rodrigues, I'm 23 years old, I'm from Santo Antão and I live in São Vicente, Bela Vista. I have a degree in Criminology and Social Reintegration.
5 facts about me
• I am a friendly, objective, creative and innovative person;
• In my free time I like to watch movies,
soap operas and documentaries;
• I value social causes a lot;
• I am a person who’s always open to new experiences;
• I'm curious and open-minded.